This weekends award goes to the instrumental group: the FLOBOTS!
The Flobots grabbed my attention when fellow blogger "Mickey Marx"of, introduced me to the Flobots video on youtube for their first single, "Handlebars". The first couple seconds of the video, lead me to believe these guys are wack! But none the less, by the end of the video I was left wanting more. After listening to a few more tracks from their revolutionary styled album, "Fight with Tools", I downloaded the album (..illegally, the real copy is coming soon). Decorative beats, laced with organic instruments played by other members, compliment the message induced tracks perfectly. If you haven't heard of the Flobots, I've posted the video for "Handlebars" here for you, along with the link to their website. Those who haven't copped the album, please do! Music is still alive ya"ll. (btw my favorite track off the album is "fight with tools") lol
Great choice! I love their first single, "Handlebars", and although I haven't heard the rest of their cd, I really like their vibe...their style, their flow, the instrumentation...very creative...they definitely should be featured here and in other places...magazines, etc. Keep your ear open to new sounds! There are some great groups out there...their sounds are different than what's usually played on the radio, but they really should be mainstreamed...acceptance wise! I wish more people would challenge themselves to listen to a genre or an artist that they wouldn't normally listen can actually learn more about yourself that way...and what works for you, and you might just find a new artist that you like, which you've done! Keep blogging Jazz!
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