Myspace pages, Facebook profiles and Blogs. All internet sources of the "lazy mans" communication. "Lazy" in a sense that, no one needs to "call you", to find out what you're doing or where you have been in the recent months. I am apart of all three websites and just jumped on the bandwagon for the fourth, "Twitter". Twitter seems to be replacing blog entries and facebook status' in a blink of an eye! Why? I have no clue. Twitter is a huge on-line "status" checking universe, where you can choose to follow celebrities, family or friends profiles. Along with, obtainung updates on what they're doing as of that moment. Now, being new to Twitter sucks, because if no one is "following" your status, then it kind of defeats the purpose of joining. But the more interactive you are with following other people, or obtaining your own personal followers creates another huge source of communication on-line. Soooooo, with that said. JOIN TWITTER AND ADD SIMPLEXOFFCIAL AS A FRIEND!

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