Saturday, March 6, 2010

Never too late....

I once heard that it's "Never too late to appreciate something or someone", and thank God for that! As of late, I've truly become a fan DJ/ Electronica artist Moby, ever since running across his tunes via It was actually the song "Porcelain" (Video below) that intrigued me in the first place. Its ambiant synths, and classic Hip Hop drum loops, with the subtle piano medley in the background (You know I love me some pianos...) Naturally, when I first heard the name Moby, I thought of the Eminem diss line from Em's song "Without Me"..."...And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie/ You 36 year old, bald headed f*g blow me/ You don't know me, you're too old, let go, it's over...NOBODY LISTENS TO TECHNO..." lol. So when I thought of Moby, I thought of a Hip Hop hating douche' bag...among other things...But I'd never thought I'd be listening to his music as I do now. Moby has been active since 1985 (2 years before I was born) and in 2010, I'm just now enjoying his tunes. But it's "NEVER TOO LATE"! Dont make the same mistake I did...

Music is timeless...Music is everlasting...Music is more than a "genre"....enjoy.