Monday, November 24, 2008

OC venting on "Fake Boycotters" lol

OC from Nsomniak speaks his peace about Facebook users attempting to boycott the internet site.

"Ok here's the deal. It has come to my attention that there is a group/event called "The Facebook Blackout." I believe that this group was created in order to boycott the unfair treatment that Facebook users "suffer" from these constant changes. In order to combat these "injustices" the group creator decided to stay off Facebook for one day. Sigh.....

First of all Facebook did not turn itself into a multi-million dollar business by catering to the likes of YOU. Second, Facebook is a business in the business of technology. If we know anything at all about technology (and we all should know this much), we should know that technology does not have the time to waste waiting for YOUR uninformed opinion. Technology changes all the time and if your not on the decision making end then all you can do is accept (or reject).

With that being said, lets talk about this boycott. There seems to be a recurring trend in these so called "boycotts" of this generation. THEY ARE ALL WHACK!!!! What is the good in boycotting any business for one (1) day? Whether it be gas or facebook, one day of "no support" is not going to do shyt! If this is what our generation calls an attempt to make change then Im very disappointed in us.

Facebook does not get paid for your use. They give us all these services for free don't they? There is probably an advertisement to your right...thats how Facebook gets paid. Thats based on the fact that at almost any given moment there will be hundreds of thousands of people who will view any posted ads.

I will close with this. The Montgomery Bus Boycott started by Martin Luther King and comrades in 1955 (Dec. 1) lasted for over a year. That's how you hurt a business. Cristal said he don't wan't hip hoppers (black people) endorsing his drink so Jay-Z STOPPED supporting (for those of you still drinking Cristal like its kool, smh).

If we are really upset at Facebook and want to make serious changes then lets get a million people to shut down their facebook accounts. When we're ready to take it there then I'll jump on board but until then I think a lot of you need to STFU!"

Jay Z -
Martin Luther King -