Written by: Sean Aikens
Apple, Apple, Apple..Eh. As many of you know Steve Jobs has announced the inception of the
"iPad" to his currently thriving, and always growing brand Apple. Apple has always been known for providing innovative, and state-of-the art equipment. As we all know the iPhone has changed the way companies are creating phones nowadays with many companies rebutting the iphone with their own version of the "iphone killer". But today is all about the highly anticipated "iPad"!!!!!! Right...As an employee of Apple, I have already taken a couple of phone calls asking about this damn thing, and then listening to them go apeshit when they are told that the item is not quite available yet....
I honestly don't see what all the ruckus is about!. Yea sure like all Apple products it looks pretty slick, I'm sure it moves at lightning speed, and I'm sure the screen quality is more than impressive.
Ok, now tell me other than being bigger than and iPhone and smaller than a Macbook...what is so special about it? Half of the people walking this earth already has an iPhone, and the number of Macbook users are growing at record breaking paces as of recent. So, what other than novelty purpose would this "max-iPad" do for me? Well let's explore, there is no 3g connection meaning it must run off a wi-fi network. Like most Apple products its equipped with itunes and can run apps and you can even watch movies. Email, and organizers are probably the most unique thing about the iPad, with the ability to check email from pop-up menus, but all in all to me it sounds like one big ass iPod Touch. So tell me what do you think of Apple's new gimmick..er, I mean product?
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