"Young Boy Tizzy hails from the nation’s capital, Washington DC. The baby faced rapper wrote his first rhyme at the age of 9, and recorded his first song at 11. It wasn’t all a fairy tale for the now 17 year old. The lack of support from his peers is what ultimately led him to take his craft seriously. Ignoring the naysayers and those who would poke fun, YBT continued to make music eventually winning over those who doubted him. Not even able to legally drink yet, he has rocked shows for WPGC 95.5 and opened up on tour for the New Boyz. DC may be known for GoGo music but if YBT has his way he’ll be the biggest name to come out of the district. YBT considers himself to make a different brand of music that won’t just appeal to those in his age bracket. Although he’s known as Young Boy, he’s got goals way ahead of his age, in five years he hopes to be an established brand unto himself. They say the future is in the hands of the youth, and judging from the words YBT speaks it’s in good hands."
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